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Engaging Maths: 21 More Favourite Lessons

Members: $71.04
Others: $88.80

60 in stock

Product description
Engaging Maths: 21 More Favourite Lessons This book follows the success of Engaging Maths: 25 Favourite Lessons (“the Blue Book”) which continues to stimulate a lot of interest from teachers, mathematics leaders, and pre-service teachers alike. There are 21 brand new lessons, across Foundation to Year 8. This full colour volume with over 160 classroom photos encourages both physical and cognitive engagement, with lots of fun thrown in! Teachers can use Concept Cartoons to develop geometry understanding, enhance visualisation through Look Make Check Adjust, build mental computation through 4Up!, provide real challenge with Cubes in My Pocket, or head outside for Footy Angles. With Matt Sexton joining the writing team, new features include an extended introduction with topics such as rethinking ability (achievement) grouping, using enabling and extending prompts, valuing productive struggle, and the importance of recording. There’s also advice for School Mathematics Leaders on how they might use the book to facilitate teacher professional learning. Each lesson has a section on Possible Assessment Strategies to help make assessment work for teachers. The Going Further section provides ideas on additional investigations which can potentially build on what has happened during the lesson. More engaging maths? Yes please!
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