The Maths Store

i sea 10

Sea-themed game encourages kids to “catch” combinations of 10! Players take turns flipping cards to show numbers and shout out “I see 10!” when they see combinations of numbers that together make 10. Collect the most 10s and win! Beware of the Hungry Shark cards-pull one and your whole catch goes back!

Members: $32.40
Others: $36.00

9 in stock

Product description
Reel in addition skills by catching combinations of 10! Players take turns flipping cards to show numbers and shout out ''I see 10!'' when they see combinations of numbers that together make 10. Collect the most 10s and win! Beware of the hungry Shark cards-pull one and your whole catch goes back! Includes 100 cards (90 number cards and 10 Shark cards). Ages: 5+
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