Product description
Mathematics Essential
Practical Application
Garden Designs
Year 11 Unit 1
Brief Description:
This practical application allows students to demonstrate their understanding, problem solving and reasoning in the context of designing a raised garden within a specific area and calculating the volume of soil required. Students will need to use the mathematical thinking process throughout this assessment*.
Syllabus Dot Points:
1.1.12 use a calculator appropriately and efficiently in multi-step calculations
1.1.13 calculate a percentage of a given amount, using mental/written strategies or technology when appropriate
1.3.1 choose and use appropriate metric units of length, their abbreviations, conversions between them, and appropriate levels of accuracy, such as mm for building and other trade contexts, cm for textiles
1.3.8 calculate areas of rectangles and triangles, and composites of these
1.3.14 calculate the volume and capacity of cubes and rectangular and triangular prisms