The Maths Store

Enrichment Maths for Secondary School Students

This book is designed to meet the needs of able students in years 7 to 9.  It provides challenging material on most syllabus topics for this age group, as well as many enrichment topics ideal for extension work.  The book contains vast number of “competition-style” problems.  The questions presented will test and extend mathematical skills and will require insight, logical thought, creative and mathematical finesse.


Members: $63.00
Others: $70.00
Product description
Author: Anne Joshua For students Years 7 to 9 This book is designed to meet the needs of able students in years 7 to 9.  It provides challenging material on most syllabus topics for this age group, as well as many enrichment topics ideal for extension work.  The book contains vast number of "competition-style" problems.  The questions presented will test and extend mathematical skills and will require insight, logical thought, creative and mathematical finesse. All problems have full worked solutions.  "Enrichment Maths for Secondary School Students" is an invaluable resource for teachers to help them develop the creative and intellectual potential of their able students as well as a text for a talented class or maths club. This book is eligible for a discount if you are a MAWA member, your membership status will be manually checked after receiving your order. We reserve the right to cancel or amend orders if your discount is not valid.
Pages: 419
ISBN: 0 646 43162 5
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